In Aviation Organisations, the doctor finds need for Research/Development (Activities) (by recognising and
reporting incidents related to the medical-sciences. In turn it could be here that Research/Development could be carried
out (at appropriate centres, such that quality-deficiency correction/design could be carried out, new modified equipment
procured, improved operational procedures instituted.) He then should (evaluate the effectiveness/crew acceptance of results,
and again provide a feedback to the relevant centres). Aspect of Avition Medicine (which may be made) Research/Development
subject is:
- (The atmosphere, and its effect on aircrew)
- (The effects of long and short duration accelerations in flight, and protection toward this.)
- (The special senses - vision, hearing, balance.)
- (Rest, sleep, work-schedules in relation to fatigue)
- (Psychology/ergonomics)
- (Aircrew personal Protection/survival equipment)
- (Methods in accident investigation), and
- (Clinical Aviation Medicine, inclusive of Passenger Health).